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Backgammon Betting Sites

  1. Backgammon Betting Sites Games
  2. Best Backgammon Online Reviews
  3. Backgammon Tournaments Online

Backgammon is an ancient board game with a Persian origin. It is probably one of the oldest games in the world that are played and popular nowadays. The biggest fans of the game affirm that the Backgammon. Backgammon for money from Parasino Games (visit website) Gambling Portal Parasino is a mixture of the bookmaker and casino, there are only two online skill games: Backgammon and Belote, both are in. Online Backgammon Gambling Sites. Backgammon is a popular board game offered in a virtual format at some online gambling sites. Backgammon is unique in that winning depends on your skill against other players instead of your ability to beat the house, as is the case with most games at online gambling sites. Msn backgammon online. Msn provides an alternative to play backgammon as well. With a beautiful interface and intuitive gameplay, it is easily one of the best places to play backgammon online. Multiplayer is a huge plus, too, so we highly recommend you try backgammon.


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Backgammon has always been a popular gambling game and today, with online Backgammon, its becoming an even more popular way to wager cash and win money for those who like a little risk and are prepared to put up money in a game of personal skill.

There are three primary ways to gamble at Backgammon; online, in live tournaments, or just as a private game between two individuals. You can play for a fixed amount of cash for each point scored or for a fixed amount for a whole game. Below, you can find some useful information and advice on gambling at Backgammon in all its various forms.

Backgammon Betting SitesBackgammon Betting Sites

Backgammon Betting Sites Games

Before you put up your own cash in a game of Backgammon make sure you are a competent player. You can find what you need to know about gameplay on from the rules to Backgammon to the skills and tactics involved in winning, as well as plenty of information on all aspects of the game from its history to game sets.

Online Backgammon Gambling

Best Backgammon Online Reviews

Websites offering games of Backgammon against a real human opponent are a great way to play Backgammon without having to travel to a tournament or club. These sites offer free games without having to gamble money, so you can get a handle on the software and gameplay. Once you're happy with playing online you can put up your own money in competitive play. The website running the game will take a 'rake' which is a small percentage of the cash winnings in return for providing the software and opportunity to play. There are many thousands of players online at any time so you will have no trouble finding a game. Most sites offer rankings which give an indication of the level of expertise individual players have. So if you're new, you should be able to have a fair crack at a game.

Backgammon Tournaments Online

Getting Started: Look for a big button on the website that may say 'Play Backgammon' or 'Download'. Click on it to download the installation software and run it (it should be on your desktop as an icon). Now you can run the Backgammon playing software, select your preferred language, and enter your details (name, credit card number, etc.). You can now start playing Backgammon online for money or for fun.