Gsp To Miami
The total flight duration time from Greenville (GSP) to Miami (MIA) is typically 6 hours 01 minutes. This is the average non-stop flight time based upon historical flights for this route. During this period travelers can expect to fly about 753 miles, or 1,212 kilometers. American Airlines and Delta fly from Greenville/Spartanburg Airport (GSP) to Miami hourly. Alternatively, La Cubana operates a bus from Greenville, SC to Miami, FL once a week. Tickets cost $100 - $130.
Round Trip Flights To Miami

Gsp To Miami Cheap Flights

Miami To Gsp Flights American

Where To Buy Cheap Flights from Greenville/Spartanburg to Miami, Florida?
The best way to find a great deal on airfare is to search multiple sites. When you run a search on FareCompare, we search multiple sites and fare sources all at once so you don't have to - which is why we think FareCompare is the best place to find cheap tickets. Airlines can adjust prices for tickets from Greenville/Spartanburg to Miami, Florida based on the day and time that you decide to book your flight. We have collected data from all airlines, and have found that Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays are often the best days to book flights. If you'd like to learn more, read our article about the best time to buy airline tickets.